Oman Golf Association Membership
As a member of the Oman Golf Association you will be issued with a GHIN number, this identifies you both in Oman and also to any other territory which belongs to GHIN. Membership of the OGA is not only offered to those who are members of the golf courses in Oman but is also available to those golfers who are residents of Oman, are not members of one of the courses, but wish to obtain and maintain an official WHS Handicap Index as well as receiving discounted green fees. As the OGA is a non profit making organisation part of your OGA fees is directly invested into growing the game in the Sultanate.
The annual cost of OGA Membership is Omr30 for those who are members of one of the golf courses or Omr50 for those who are not. The fees are adjusted on a quarterly pro rata basis until the end of the calendar year. Golfers under the age of 18 at the start of the calendar year are not charged a membership fee.
If you are a member of one of the courses they will take care of your registration and collect your annual fees. If you are not a member of one of the courses you may fill out the form below, we will then contact you in order to take payment before issuing you with your membership details.

Please note that Oman Golf Association Membership is only available to residents of the Sultanate of Oman. Once your application has been submitted we will contact you to confirm the details are correct and once payment has been processed we will send your membership details through to you.
For members of the golf courses please contact the membership department at your home club to process your OGA membership and receive your GHIN number and login details.